This article covers:
- What is Team Member Evaluation?
- How to create a Team Member Evaluation assignment
- Team Member Evaluation rubrics
- How to create groups
- Team Member Evaluation progress and results
What is Team Member Evaluation?
Team Member Evaluation allows participants to anonymously rate and comment on the participation and contributions of their group members or peers. With updates we've released in Fall 2024, this process can be as simple as a group member evaluation or it can be as involved as a 360 degree style evaluation.
The assignment process is very customizable and can be set up so that students are able to rate all of the members of a group, select individual class members to evaluate, evaluate their own contributions (self evaluation), evaluate different group roles (for instance, a group leader), evaluate an instructor, or evaluate the group as a whole. The screenshot below shows what a student's assignment would look like with all evaluation options enabled.
Instructors have the option to use our default rubric or create their own rubrics. Using the default rubric, peers will rate each other's professionalism, communication, content knowledge and skills, work ethic, and overall contribution. Peerceptiv is able to generate grades for this assignment based on the peer ratings or based on students’ participation in the assignment.
The screenshot below shows the student results for a team member evaluation assignment - if multiple evaluation types are selected, student will be able to easily compare the scores from each. By default, if results are not hidden, students will see their overall grade, average rating scores for each evaluation type, and anonymous comments from peers. The instructor has the option to hide results or de-anonymize them.
How to Create a Team Member Evaluation Assignment
If you are using Peerceptiv within an LMS, choose the right directions to create an assignment link in the LMS first, and click in via that link. If using Peerceptiv outside of an LMS, create a course and then click the New Assignment button.
The easiest way to build a team member evaluation assignment is to click Choose a Standard Workflow and then select the Team Member Evaluation workflow. This will put a standard team member evaluation assignment into your course and you can edit the settings and rubric later, if needed.
The following directions will describe how to create this type of assignment if you select to Build a Custom Assignment.
For Assignment Type, choose Team Member Evaluation Only. However, if you plan to have students complete a group peer assessment assignment with an attached team member evaluation component, then you can select Peer Assessment, choose Student Groups for Submission, and add a team member evaluation stage.
After choosing Team Member Evaluation Only, you’ll see a screen that asks how evaluations should be issued. Your choices are Student Groups, which means that students will need to evaluate all of their group members, or Students Select Peers to Evaluate, which means that students can select any of their peers in the course to evaluate. If you plan to have students evaluate group members, then select Student Groups.
If the Confirm and Continue screen describes your assignment, click Submit. In the Assignment Creator, give the assignment a name and description.
Evaluation Options
- Require student to evaluate their group's peers (Default) - this is automatically enabled by default. It requires students to evaluate each of their group members. You can uncheck this box if you only want a whole group, group leader, or instructor evaluation and do not want students to evaluate their individual group members. Turn on those settings first and then you can uncheck this setting.
- Require students to evaluate the group as a whole - select this if you want students to evaluate the group as a whole using specific rubric questions about whole group functioning. It will not affect the grades for the group or group members, but it will provide you with information about how overall group function was perceived.
- Require students to evaluate the group leader - select this if you want students to evaluate the group leader. You are able to designate a group leader for each group on the group management page.
- Require students to evaluate the instructors - select this if you want students to evaluate the instructors for the course. All instructors listed on the course roster will be included; you may need to remove course instructional designers if selecting this option.
Require students to perform a self evaluation - select this if you want students to evaluate themselves using the rubric for their peers. Their scores will not count toward their grade.
Use team member evaluation ratings for grades - select this if you want the students’ overall grades to be calculated based on their average rating score received from their peers. If you leave this unchecked, the students’ overall grade will be based on participation only, meaning that students will get a 100% if they complete their team member evaluations.
- Turn off evaluator anonymity - select this if you would like students to see the names of their evaluators and identify evaluator comments and ratings on the student results page. If this is checked, students will see how their group members rated them and the comments they provided. If this is unchecked, students will see anonymous comments and average ratings (provided you do not choose to hide specific results from students entirely).
Choose whether you want automatic grade release where students will be able to see all of their results as soon as the deadline passes or manual grade release where an instructor must open Peerceptiv and release the results before students can see their grades or comments received. If you want to hide any of the results from students, please select manual grade release. To hide rating results, comment results, or grades from the student results pages (so the students will never see them, even after grades are released), click "True" for the specific results you would like to hide.
Next, set the deadlines. Students will be able to complete the Team Member Evaluation from the publication date until the reviewing deadline. Please choose a publication date that will give you plenty of time to set up groups and make changes before the assignment is published. After the assignment is published, it is more difficult to make changes to the groups and rubric. The deadline time is the time of day when the evaluation phase will end.
Email notifications - if enabled, we will send students one email notification 24 hours before the deadline reminding them to complete the evaluation.
Finally, click Finish to save your settings. Any time that you edit any of the assignment settings, you must click Finish before leaving the editor in order to save your settings.
Team Member Evaluation Rubrics
If you have required students to evaluate their group's peers or individual class members, then your assignment will have a default “group member evaluation” rubric, which you can delete or edit, as needed.
If you selected to require students to evaluate the instructor(s) of the course, the whole group, or the group leader, then you will need to add a rubric for those evaluations. Select "Edit" in the assignment rubrics menu and add comment and/or rating prompts for any or all of those rubrics.
You are able to edit or delete portions of the rubric by clicking on the Edit pencil for each prompt and add additional prompts by clicking the Add Prompt button. Comment prompts ask students to leave comments about their peers and rating prompts ask students to rate their peers on a numerical scale. Reorder the rubric by clicking the two horizontal bars and dragging the prompt or using the up and down arrows.
If students will be getting grades based on peer rating scores, then you must include rating prompts. If you have set up the assignment to generate participation grades, then you can choose to only have comment prompts.
Hide individual rubric item results
If you would like to hide the results of individual rubric items from the student results pages (assuming you haven't already hidden all rating or comment results in the settings), click the Advanced Settings option on that particular rubric prompt and then change the toggle so that it has a green checkmark. The rating or comment results related to that particular rubric prompt will be hidden from students.
How to Create Groups
You must have students in the course roster to create groups, unless you plan to have students create their own groups. After making sure that your course roster is populated with students, you can then proceed with group creation.
First, click on the Groups tab on the left side bar.
Options for Creating Groups:
- Click New Group to create a group manually. Then, click the plus sign on that group and click Add Members to select students from the roster to put into the group. You can rename the group by clicking on the group name and changing it.
- Upload Group List in the required format using a CSV spreadsheet (tip: convert your Excel spreadsheet to a CSV file to do this) or copy and paste from an Excel or other spreadsheet.
- Group Sync will allow you to directly import groups from the LMS. This option will only appear if group sync has been set up by your institution's LMS administrator. Please contact if you want to add this option or believe it should be available. After you click Group Sync the first time, you will need to give permission for Peerceptiv to access the LMS group information. Then select the set of groups in the LMS that you want to add in Peerceptiv. Note: You must click on the LMS assignment link first before clicking Group Sync in the corresponding Peerceptiv assignment. If you are using group sync for multiple courses, remember to go back to each LMS course and click on the specific assignment link for which you want to sync groups before attempting Group Sync. If the groups have changed in the LMS, you should click Group Sync again to apply those changes in Peerceptiv. However, changing the groups during the review or evaluation phase of an assignment may result in students needing to complete additional assignment tasks.
4. Auto Generate Groups will provide you with randomized groups.
5. Copy Groups from a Past Assignment allows you to copy groups from a previous assignment in the course. If you previously ran a Group Formation assignment, this will allow you to import the groups that resulted from that assignment.
6. Click Manage Permissions to turn off student group self management. If it is on (green check mark), students are able to request to join a group, leave a group, or form groups on their own. If it is off (red X), students cannot create, leave, or edit the groups. The toggle to make group peers anonymous for students does not apply to Team Member Evaluation and should be left off (red x). You can use the toggle for "Grant Group Leaders Permissions" to enable group leaders to manage their group enrollment.
7. Click the Students tab and then click on a particular student’s name to add them to a group that has already been created. You can move students from one group to another and search for students who are not yet in groups.
Group Management Notes:
- Unless you plan to have students manage their own groups, please make sure the groups are correct before the assignment is published.
- You can delete a group by clicking on the three dots to the right of the group name.
- You can move a student from one group to another at any time. To do this, either re-sync the groups if you used group sync, OR click the plus sign next to the group, then click the down arrow next to the student's name you would like to move, select Move, and then click the plus sign for the group you want to move them to. Note that if you move a student while the assignment is open (assignment tasks are available), it may change the number of tasks a student has to complete and whether that student will have received any reviews.
Team Member Evaluation Progress and Results
View student progress in the assignment by clicking on the Progress tab on the left side bar. Then, click on any student’s name to view the comments and ratings that they have given and received. After grades have been released, you can also view that person's grade on their details page.
Click on the Results tab to view results. In a Sync Mode course, results will be generated when the deadline closes. In an Async Mode course, students will get their results as soon as they are fully evaluated by all of their group members and have also given all of their team member evaluations.
To view the results in a comprehensive spreadsheet format, click the Export Results button. To release results to students and send them to the LMS grade book, click the "Release Results" button. If you have not already hidden specific results from the student results pages and you would like to, click the "Advanced Visibility" button to hide specific results from students.
The Evaluation Scores table shows the average rating results for the entire class. Click the drop down menu to change the role between group member, whole group, group leader, and instructor, and show the average rating scores for those rubrics if those options were selected.
The Individual Scores table shows the average rating prompt received by each student for each prompt on the rubric. You can click the top header of each column to sort from highest to lowest score or lowest to highest. Additionally, if you would like to sort this table by Group, click the "Group" button at the top of the table. From there, if you click the top header of each column to sort from highest to lowest or lowest to highest, you will see this information organized by group.
If results have been released, you are able to to view the student results and see what they are seeing. Click any student's name in the Progress or Results tables, and then click the navy "Act As" button to act as that student and click "View Results." To stop acting as a student, click the orange circle profile icon in the top navy bar and then click "Stop Acting As."
If you have any further questions about your Team Member Evaluation assignment, please contact Peerceptiv Support.
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