Peerceptiv is an objective, research-validated platform for sharing work products with your classmates and benefitting from the feedback you generate on the work of your peers.
A Peerceptiv peer assessment assignment involves three steps: uploading a submission, reviewing your peers' submissions, and providing feedback on the reviews you received.
Commenting on your classmate’s work, both good and bad, is a valuable learning opportunity. You’ve heard the adage, “You don’t know a subject until you try to teach it.” The more effort put forth in the review phase, the more effective the learning experience will be. You are graded on how accurately you rate others’ submissions and how helpful your comments are, in addition to the quality of work on your own assignment.
Peerceptiv is anonymous and double-blind; you won’t know whose work product you are reviewing, nor will you know who is commenting on your work. More than a decade of research has validated that feedback provided by multiple peers is as valid and more reliable than even a single, expert instructor. The unique accountability algorithms included in Peerceptiv make this a more effective platform for sharing and commenting on the work of your peers than other online peer review solutions or any type of in-class peer review.
You may also be using Peerceptiv for a team member evaluation assignment. In a team member (peer) evaluation assignment, you'll be rating the quality of participation and contributions made by a peer, usually regarding a group project or other collaborative activity. You may be required to leave comments about your peer as well. Your comments and ratings are always anonymous to your peers, although an instructor will be able to see who left each comment.
If you’ve used Peerceptiv before in other classes, welcome back. Peerceptiv may be used in a number of different configurations – listen carefully to your instructor, and don’t assume Peerceptiv will be used the same way in this course as it was in past courses.
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