Please note that Peerceptiv is an external tool available under certain licensing arrangements and only where approved by your school or organization’s instructional technology office. For questions about how to get Peerceptiv at your institution, please contact Peerceptiv Support.
Follow the directions below based on how you have organized your course:
First Step: Add Peerceptiv as a Course Navigation Link
Add a New Peerceptiv Assignment to your Canvas course
How to Set Up Peerceptiv Assignments in a Copied Canvas course - Use these instructions when you have copied a previous or master Canvas course that contains Peerceptiv assignments.
How to Add Peerceptiv Assignment Links for Reviewing and Feedback
First Step: Add Peerceptiv as a Course Navigation Link
Adding Peerceptiv as a course navigation link allows all Peerceptiv assignments to be accessed from the same link. This is especially useful for students in courses with many Peerceptiv assignments as it launches the students into the course dashboard in Peerceptiv. Please note that Peerceptiv assignments will still need to be added individually to your Canvas course and launched at the assignment level - you cannot set up assignments by launching from this link.
1. Navigate to Course - Settings - Navigation.
2. By default Peerceptiv will be listed at the bottom of the navigation list as a disabled link after setting up the app.
3. To enable Peerceptiv being listed in the Course Navigation bar, simply drag the Peerceptiv navigation item into the list in the desired position and click Save.
4. The first time you click this link from the navigation bar, you will be taken to the Course Overview page in Peerceptiv. Click New Course to set up a new course that will be linked with the Canvas course. DO NOT click New Assignment after launching from the navigation bar link - any new assignment created will not appear in your Canvas assignments list unless you first create the Canvas-side assignment and launch from the assignment level.
Add a Peerceptiv Assignment
You can add a Peerceptiv assignment from the Assignments option in the navigation menu.
Please use the add assignment button to get started.
Or, you can add an assignment from within a module.
When you are on the Canvas new assignment page, create the assignment name and add a description
Determine the assignment points - this is the amount of points the assignment will be worth in Canvas. The Peerceptiv assignment will generate a percentage grade out of 100, which will then be converted into the equivalent point value you set in Canvas when the grades are passed back.
Change the Submission Type to “External Tool.” Search for Peerceptiv and press Find or enter the URL: (North American & European users) or enter (Asian users). You’ll select Peerceptiv from the list of available External Learning Tools. If Peerceptiv doesn't appear on this page, please contact your Canvas administrator at your school or Peerceptiv Support, because Peerceptiv has not yet been added as an available tool in your course.
Note: We highly recommend selecting the Load This Tool in A New Tab box for the best functionality.
In the Assign menu, either leave this section blank or use the submission deadline as the due date for Peer Assessment assignments. For Team Member (Peer) Evaluation Only assignments, use the reviewing deadline as the due date. If you set the assignment’s availability, remember to make it available before the submission deadline and until well after the assignment phases are over and the results will be released.
Once you have selected Peerceptiv as your external tool and determined your other Canvas settings, click Save at the bottom. Then click to load the assignment in a new window.
The first time you create a Peerceptiv assignment in a Canvas course, if you have not yet created a course, you’ll be taken to your course creation page. Choose New Course and complete all Peerceptiv-side course settings and click Create.
Then, close the Peerceptiv tab and click back in from the Canvas assignment. Now, you should be taken to the assignment creation page. You can choose a standard workflow, or choose to build a custom assignment or copy an assignment. When finished, be careful not to create additional assignments on the Peerceptiv side unless you have clicked in from a corresponding Canvas assignment link.
When the assignment has been published on the Peerceptiv side, make sure that it has also been published in Canvas and move the assignment into a module. On the Canvas side, the assignment must be within a module and both the module and the assignment need to be published before the student can see it.
When students first access the link to the Peerceptiv assignment on the Assignments page in Canvas, they'll be automatically added to the student roster within Peerceptiv.
How to Set Up Peerceptiv Assignments in a Copied Canvas Course
If you copied a Canvas course that contains Peerceptiv assignments already (either from a past semester or from a master course), you will need to copy the Peerceptiv course and then ensure that each assignment in Canvas is correctly linked to an assignment in Peerceptiv. Assignment names must be identical in both Canvas and Peerceptiv.
Step 1: Edit the Canvas assignment settings.
Step 2: Make sure the Submission Type is External Tool, the URL is, and the box is checked for Load This Tool in a New Tab. All three of these must be correct for the assignment to function properly.
Step 3: Make sure all other Canvas side settings are set up according to your assignment preferences. Click Save.
Step 4: Click Load Assignment in New Window.
Step 5: If this is your first time launching Peerceptiv from this Canvas course, you will be taken to the Course creation page. Click Copy Course if you have run this course in Peerceptiv before and would like all assignments to copy into Canvas. Update the course details - you may want to add identifying information for the new semester or section.
Step 6: After creating the Peerceptiv Course, close the Peerceptiv browser tab and click in from the Canvas assignment again. If your assignments in Canvas have the same names as the assignments in Peerceptiv, they should now be linked automatically. After you launch to the assignment dashboard, edit the assignment deadlines in Peerceptiv (click the gear icon, then edit) to ensure that they align with the deadlines in Canvas.
Step 7: Click on all of the Canvas assignment links to ensure they launch to the correct assignment dashboards in Peerceptiv and update the deadlines for each assignment. Make sure each assignment has a grade book item in Canvas. Contact Peerceptiv support if you have any difficulty.
How to Add Peerceptiv Assignment Links for Reviewing and Feedback
Here's how to include reminders about an assignment for the reviewing and/or feedback stage in a different module than the submission task.
Step 1: Go to the module where you want to include the reviewing task. Click the plus button to add an assignment and then Create Assignment. Use the assignment title and add 'Review' or something similar to indicate the assignment task. Then, click on the assignment and then Edit.
Step 2: We recommend including an assignment description like "To complete the peer reviews for {{Assignment Name}}, please click Peerceptiv on the left navigation bar and then click on the current assignment." If you choose to include the assignment link here, please note that you will have to update it in future courses if you copy this Canvas course to use again. However, in order for the suggested wording to work, you will need to add Peerceptiv to the left navigation bar of Canvas.
Step 3: Next, scroll down and set the points to 0. Check the box for 'Do not count this assignment towards the final grade' and set the submission type to No Submission. Add the deadline for that phase of the assignment. Remember to save the settings.
Step 4: Repeat this process for any additional assignment phases.
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