During and after an assignment instructors can use the Student Progress Table to:
- View student progress
- Override grades
- View/Manage student submissions
- Enter Teacher Reviews
- Act as a student
- View Reviews and Feedback on submissions
View Student Progress
To look at an individual student’s work on an assignment, click Progress. You will see the submission time, number of reviews given and received, and number of feedback given and received. Click on a name in the progress chart or use the search bar to search for a student's name and then click on it to view an individual student's progress.
From the overview screen, you can choose to override grades if they've already been generated, view/manage the submission, waive late penalties, enter a teacher review, or act as that student.
Override Grades
If you click Override from an individual's overview screen in the student progress table, you will be able to override any portion of the student's grade. After completing any overrides, we recommend going to the results tab and recalculating the grades to make sure that they have been applied to the student's overall grade and to resend them to the LMS grade book, if needed. Please note that you cannot have a total grade above 100%.
Manage Submission
The next option on the details pop-up screen lets you Manage Submission in order to see that student’s submission and/or delete it. If you delete the submission, any reviews done on that submission will also be deleted. Please delete the submission from this page; click Manage Submission to view it.
Enter a Teacher Review
Click Write Review to enter a teacher review. Teacher ratings are considered to be 100% accurate and any student reviewers’ accuracy scores will be based on how their ratings compare to instructor ratings on that submission. If you start a review but do not complete it or want to delete a completed teacher review, click the trash can icon that will appear to the right of Edit Review. If you choose to enter teacher reviews, we recommend doing so before releasing grades to students. However, you can enter a teacher review at any time. If you add reviews after the final deadline, please go to Results and click Recalculate Results in order for your reviews to affect students' grades. For a more detailed walkthrough of entering teacher reviews and answers to commonly-asked questions about teacher reviews, please read Enter a Teacher Review.
There is no indication on the student's results screen whether a comment was written by an instructor or a student. If you want students to see that the comment is from an instructor or TA, please include your name or initials in the comment. The default is that your comment will be regarded as just one of the comments received. Students do not give feedback on instructor comments and do not see them until the results are released.
Act As a Student
Last, you can click Act as to see the assignment from that student’s view. You will be able to see exactly what the student sees. You would also be able to complete actions as that student, for instance, upload a submission for them if necessary.
View Reviews and Feedback
By clicking through the tabs next to the blue Overview tab, you will see the submission on the second tab, the reviews on that submission on the third tab, and the reviews done by that student on the fourth tab. You can scroll down the page to see the reviewers’ comments or use the blue button Jump to Review to see a specific reviewers’ comments. The Reviews Sent tab will show you the reviews done by this student.
If the assignment has ended, you will see a Grades tab between 'Submission' and 'Reviews Received.' Please see the Knowledge Base Understanding Student Results article for more information about the data available there.
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