If students are no longer in the course, they can be removed from the roster. Removing a student will delete all of their data and work in that course. We recommend only removing a student if the student has not completed any work in Peerceptiv or the work that they (and any others who reviewed their work or had reviews by the student on their work) does not need to be kept for administrative or grading reasons. If you keep a student on the roster but the student does not do anything in the assignment, the student will receive email notifications about that assignment but there will be no negative effects with their grade.
To remove a student, click on the course name from the assignment dashboard page and then Roster.
Then click on the name of the student who should no longer be in the course and select Remove from course and confirm that you want to remove the student.
That will remove the student from the course and delete any data that they submitted (file or link submissions, reviews, team member [peer] evaluations, and feedback responses).
Note: If you are using Peerceptiv configured with your LMS and the student is still listed on the LMS roster, the student's account will continue to populate every time that you open Peerceptiv from the LMS. You would need to remove the student name from the LMS course for it to not auto-populate in Peerceptiv as well.
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